Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Shell Beach, Coming to a camp near you!

Camp Harbor View, to be specific.  The Lobster Guys (aka Andrew and Will) have been hard at work getting Shell Beach ready for a great summer of fishin', grillin', and of course, lobsterin'!  We got things rolling with a presentation to staffers at CHV, helped out by our dear and delicious friend, Larry the 10 lb Lobster.

Larry the Lobster was a big hit
On Monday Shell Beach received a great surprise: a beautiful new dinghy from our friends at Boston Family Boat Building!  She should look great on the beach, and I can't wait to get her our on the water. 

On Tuesday, Will and I set a couple lobster traps in hopes of having something to show off next Monday.  We also combed the beaches for some good driftwood to begin building a new sign.  Some of the campers will also be helping us design a sign for Camp Harbor View to attach, and we should have it up and in the ground next week.  Hope everyone gets a chance to come visit us this summer on Shell Beach!

Gathering supplies...

...the pieces coming together.

Happy 4th of July!

-Andrew Bauld

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