Thursday, July 19, 2012

Profile: Boston Children's Museum

Hey Harbor Explorers!

One of Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay’s main goals is to reach out to the youth of the Boston area. We run two free youth environmental education programs which are the All Access Program and the Harbor Explorers Program.  Through different sites around the harbor, each summer, these programs teach children to love and enjoy all that the harbor has to offer. We will be sharing little snapshots of each of these locations with you so that you can see what makes each of these programs special.  
An important site in the Harbor Explorers Program is the Boston Children’s Museum. Boston Children's Museum is a great place for Save the Harbor to reach out and bring the harbor to life for many of the young children visiting the museum. The Boston Children's Museum is a great example of hands-on learning. Since 1913, the museum has been engaging both children and adults, and allowing them to discover new and exciting educational experiences. The Children's Museum is dedicated to developing a love of learning for every child who walks through its doors. This is what makes BCM a great site for Save the harbor to work with. At this site, our Youth Program Assistant and Harbor Educators capture the attention of visitors through our crab filled touch tanks and available fishing rods. 

The kids that stop by are provided the opportunity to learn how to fish and crab right off the dock at the museum.  Our harbor educators and assistants explain how to identify different fish and crabs, and teach kids how to properly handle the ocean life they will encounter in the harbor.  Educating kids about these fun environmental aspects of the harbor is not only fascinating for the children, it also demonstrates how accessible the harbor can be. When we were on site, many of the people passing were surprised to hear that it was possible to fish in the harbor! One father and son in particular were very excited to try their hand at fishing right in their own city as they had just returned from a fishing trip to Maine. The thing that makes this site so special is that kids get a quick glimpse of fishing or a touch tank and walk away with new knowlegde they would never have expected to gain on their trip to the city. Boston Children’s Museum is a great example of Save the Harbor’s effort to connect Boston’s youth to the harbor.
-Bridget and Alyssa

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