Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stormy Weather

The view of the Zakim bridge looks like on a typical day.

Afternoons at Courageous Sailing Center are usually filled with sunshine, creatures that live in the depths of the Boston Harbor, and excited children.

 One particular afternoon we did have bits of sunshine, but the majority of the afternoon was cloudy, wet, and was spent creatively brainstorming ways to distract ourselves and our young sailors from the ominous clouds above.
Before we knew it, the sky was gray  and the dock was rocking ferociously. Adult sailors were frantically moving to secure the sailboats, while the Save  the Harbor Staff and Sarah were in a tent teaching our young students how to tie appropriate sailing knots; hoping they didn’t notice the thunder.

View of the stormy weather
Eventually, we moved to the larger tent where every staff member and child were waiting out the storm. Marine life animals were crafted out of clay, knots were made, songs were sung, and books on aquatic life were read.
It seemed that the adults were more nervous about the impending storm, our sailors and explorers were very content playing with clay.


Silas showing off  his clay creation!

Overall, another exciting day with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. Even in the depths of tornado warnings, children are being made aware of the impact of the ocean!

:) Ali Hurney

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