Monday, July 23, 2012

You wasn't with me playing with the kids ..... !!

This week has been a blast going to the wonderful Spectacle island once again with the kids. We have been having fun on Spectacle and have been learning a lot about the island. While on Spectacle this week I was with a group that really stood out to me, and we were living it up having a blast just enjoying this nice island.
The kids were really amazed by what they were exploring and seeing on Spectacle Island. They were having so much fun it put a smile on my face and I was having a great time exploring with them and helping them learn what they didn't know and just watching them enjoy them self's.
The group that I was with was from Salesian Boys and Girls Club in East Boston and today we were on the beach glass/sea  side and they were finding some cool stuff and some cool beach glass, and they were amazed by what they were finding and the colors that was on items on the beach too.
The kids found some awesome stuff that made me say wow and I wanted to have a competition with them, but at the end of the day it was all fun and it was a great time and a good bonding experience for me. I also loved it because I was a role model for the kids and I love being a role model so I can guide the kids in the right direction in a positive way.

Kids are the best! See you next time on that wonderful island, Andrew Maestre.


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