Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We're on a boat!

Bruce, Will, Karrisha, Carly, and I joined over 400 campers and counselors from Camp Harbor View aboard Boston Harbor Cruises' Frederick L. Nolan for a chartered tour of Boston Harbor.  Bruce took over master of ceremony responsibilities, giving a great background on the history and science of the islands.  Next, Will took over the mic to spit a brand new harbor rap that got all the kids going.  It's something else to hear a couple hundred kids scream "harbor" after you say "save." 

All aboard!

The kids took over the mic.

The kids eventually took control of the mic to have a Camp Harbor View rap battle.  But in addition to all the fun, everyone learned a good deal about Deer Island and its importance to keeping the harbor clean; and some history, hearing the story of the 1,000 boat crashes and all those who sunk to their death near Graves Lighthouse. 

Not just one, but two lighthouses!
All in all it was a great day to be on the water, and show a lot of kids some sights they may otherwise never have seen.  Can't wait to do it again!

See everyone out there!

-Andrew Bauld

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