Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Reflection

Hello everyone, it's Juelle! It's sad that this is my last official week here for Save the Harbor/Bay. I really enjoyed working here over the summer with very interesting co-workers and spontaneous personalities that people have. I truly enjoyed All Access and majority of the main work sites I worked at. Over the summer I learned how to mature even more and develop great leadership towards the youth and everyone in general. I appreciate this opportunity I got to actually work with Save the Harbor/Bay since I never had any experience in marine environmental science or in cleaning the public beaches/harbors here in my city. I do know that I have learned a lot of cool information from the Senior Harbor Educators and also Lead Explorers. You guys were such a great help. I honestly told myself that my goal was to do things out of the ordinary and things I have never done before. I learned to stick my goal by actually experimenting with different activities such as holding crabs which actually freak me out! Then again, I was proud of myself in the end because I knew I could do it and just believe in myself. I really had a lot to reflect from since I worked for Save the Harbor/Bay. All in all, this has been a summer to remember! Thanks for everything! 
The team !

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