Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bon voyage, summer!

What a remarkable summer it has been!  It seems like only yesterday we were all sitting on the pier learning how to filet a fish and wondering what this job would be like.  Now, after catching hundreds of crabs, some impressive stripers, and a lobster or two, and most importantly, seeing the smiles and excitement those creatures and experiences brought to so many children, I know how special this summer was.

I hope all the kids who we had a chance to talk with about the harbor, show how to cast a rod, or teach how to identify a male or female crab, will continue to feel bold enough to go out and explore this amazing area on their own!  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some of those kids become future harbor educators.  Either way, Boston is in good hands with a few more curious youths out there.

Thanks again for a great summer, and see you all next year!

-Andrew Bauld

Not a bad final catch at Black's Creek!

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