Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Coloring and Painting Away :)

     This last Friday, I arrived at the Curly Community Center ready to begin this amazing last day for the groups that were coming. I knew many individuals in each of the groups since they had all been to All Access at least once. I set up the art station in between the white expansive walls and began to prepare myself for the onslaught of kids who would run to me to put a scale with their name on it on the huge striped bass I had drawn. Just as I finished up setting and sat down for a breather in the shade, I could see from the gate that there were kids in green t-shirts running to the art station. Here is David coloring in a lobster!

By the time it was nearing lunch time, many of the kids didn't want to bring their papers with them so they asked Bri, Carly, and I to put them up on the wall so the other kids could see their artwork! Here is a collage of just some of the amazing pieces the kids made.
I had so much fun with all of the kids and I can't believe it was almost the end of the summer. It was a bittersweet ending, but I can't wait to see them next summer!

Thi Tran

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