Monday, August 6, 2012

Lady in Black Sightings at Georges' Island

Hello Harbor Explorers!  All Access Boston Harbor spent last week at Georges' Island, home of the historic Fort Warren and the infamous Lady in Black.  Construction at the dock at Georges' had kept us from visiting the island earlier in the summer, but construction is now officially finished!

Taking groups through Fort Warren is my favorite part of going to Georges' Island.  The children are always on the look out for the Lady in Black, the vengeful ghost of a Confederate soldier's wife who was hung on the island after attempting to free her husband from the fort.  During my years roaming the Fort, I have suspected that I've been in the presence of the widow, but I haven't secured any photographic evidence as of yet.

The Revere Public Schools Summer Camp was wicked excited about heading to Georges' Island, and were especially eager to experience the Dark Tunnel for themselves.  The kids braved the inky blackness without flashlights or cell phones; emerging from the tunnel, several claimed to have heard or felt an unknown entity...but once again the Lady eluded capture.

After staff day tomorrow, All Access will be back at Spectacle Island for the last time this summer -- can't wait to see some old friends and new faces there!

Thi and I waving on our way to see the Lady in  Black!
-- Carolyn

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