Friday, August 10, 2012

Monday Funday

Monday at Piers Park was remarkable. I made a few new friends, Donovan, Rocio,  Angie, and TJ, and welcomed back Jack, Michael,Daniel, and Patrick.
Sadly during the morning game Sharks and Minnows, one of our youngest minnows, Donovan hurt his knee.  Vinh and Candido took over the game, as I helped Donovan. Luckily, the ice pack and just taking a break from the running made Donovan feel as good as new.

Besides the early morning mishap, as the day went very smoothly. Rocio enjoyed using the net to capture mussles and Candido picked out the best mussels to use as bait.
As the morning was coming to the end, we had the most exciting events! We began catching sea perch, also called cunner - a fairly common wrasse related tp the tautog.

This is so spectactular because we hadn't had much luck since early in July.
Patrick was the first harbor explorer to catch fish, with Michael close behind.
Michael with the second catch of the day!

Rocio holding the line, as Angie tries to free our fishy friend.

The rest of the Harbor Explorers jumped in and began to fish in the same section. Angie and Rocio were very helpful holding out sea perch and removing the hooks from our fishy friends.
Donovan, Jack, & Rocio sitting on the dock!
It was an awesome morning at Piers Park, and I am so thankful our luck with fishing changed for the better.

:) Ali Hurney

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