Sunday, August 5, 2012

New Faces at Piers Park

Vihn, John, Libby & Billy the Striped Bass!
My friends from Washington Heights visited Piers Park again. These kiddos were not my usual harbor explorers, and many of them have never gone sailing before!
Ana, Vihn and I all pitched in together to welcome our 19 cherubs in addition to our regular harbor explorers. While Ana and Vihn led our returning Harbor Explorers, I introduced my friend Billy the Striped Bass to my new friends.  I have never seen children's eyes get so wide with excitement. We touched the body of the bass and realized it felt rough or smooth, depending on how we touched it. We were adventurous and placed our fingers in the mouth of the Bill to feel his tiny but sharp teeth.

We then ventured down to the dock, where my usual harbor explorers were so helpful in sharing the dock space. We first explored our crab traps and learned the difference between males and females.
Also, we learned how to hold a rod, make a rod "safe", drop cast, and some of us got to learn how to make a long cast.
Many of my friends could not wait to come back and learn how to bait a hook and hopefully catch some fish!
My friend Daniel holding Billy
Many special moments were had and it would not have been successful without the help of my trusty staff!

:) Ali Hurney

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