Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Spectacle

Happy Monday Harbor Explorers!  This is the last week of All Access for the 2012 summer -- as always, the weeks just fly by!  Last week was spent on Spectacle Island, and we had a nice change from our usual routine on Tuesday when the entire STH/STB staff joined us for staff day!

Tuesday was the perfect day for a trip to Spectacle -- and as a special treat, lunch was provided by leaders Patty Foley and Bruce Berman on board their boat.  It's so nice for all of the summer staff to hang out together at lunch -- thank you to Bruce and Patty for putting together a great day!

After filling up on hot dogs and chips, Thi and I made our way along the beach looking for sea glass, and ended the day with a quick swim -- and some monstrous waves!

The rest of the week went by too quickly for my liking -- before I knew it, we had come to our last day on the island.  Spectacle truly is one of the most beautiful islands in the harbor, and I love that I get to spend my times introducing thousands of kids to the treasure that is in their own backyards.  Many thanks to curator Alan, rangers Kevin, Justin, and Dennis, and Spectacle mascot Max for being such great resources and sources of entertainment throughout the summer!

Until next time, Spectacle!

-- Carolyn

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