Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Swim for Boston Harbor

Hi Everyone!

I'm Rajani, the new development coordinator here at Save the Harbor. I fell in love with the organization right from the beginning -the more I learn about the programs the more excited I get! Everyone here has been so warm and welcoming, I already feel like part of the family.

At the start line! 

Just this weekend I got to partake in one of my first events, the Swim for Boston Harbor at the Curley Center. More than 44 swimmers registered and solicited donations for the one mile competitive swim, which culminated with the winners receiving a pair of round trip tickets from JetBlue Airways and a beach bash with ice cold Harpoon beer for participants and supporters. A huge thank you to all the swimmers for coming out and showing me how its done and to our sponsors as well!

Checking the results to determine the winners

Ten years ago the swim was cancelled because the water in the Harbor was unsafe for swimming. After tenacious advocacy work, the beaches in South Boston are among the cleanest in urban America. Participants from over a decade ago returned to M Street Beach (some with their children) to celebrate the victory of the Boston Harbor clean-up. It was nice to see that the beach was not just a happening place for swimmers but also for family and friend spectators who came to cheer on the race and enjoy our beautiful beaches.

Cracking open a celebratory Harpoon on a hot day
It always amazes me how generous Save the Harbors supporters can be. Jet Blue graciously donated round trip tickets to the winning swimmers while Harpoon donated free beer for the after party. Fred Ahern, the Director at Boston Centers for Youth & Families gave up one of his last Sundays of summer to help us out as did Greg O'Connor, the Race Director from the Boston Light Swim, who came to provide his expertise and bring florescent swim caps. Thanks to all who donated, participated and joined in the celebration.

Congratulations to the winners of the Swim: Annie Adams, took first place in fundraising while Brian O’Neil of Decature, IL won the men’s wetsuit competition and the Jet Blue Airways tickets.
Congratulations to Katie O’Dair of Watertown who won women’s wetsuit category as well as Randy James of Sudbury and Caitlin Fee of Brighton who braced the 68 degree water and took first in the the men and women’s non-wet suit competition, respectfully.

We are so grateful to all of our supporters and donors.I look forward to working with you all in the future!

Congrats to the winners!

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