Monday, October 29, 2012

The Cruise Before the Storm

With the impending approach of Hurricane Sandy to the Eastern Seaboard, many people spent the end of this past week stocking up on water and batteries and making sure they were prepared for whatever the storm may bring.

Saturday, October 27, provided a brief respite from storm preparations for some, as Save the Harbor / Save the Bay ventured out to Spectacle Island for its second and final fall “Treasures of Spectacle Island” cruise of the year. More than 200 treasure hunters joined us aboard Bay State Cruise Company's Provincetown II this time, and on our quick cruise, we were even treated to a harbor seal sighting! So cool!

Visitors on the lookout for marine mammals
aboard the Provincetown II!

Just as on our last trip, grey skies cleared shortly after we docked at Spectacle. A quick thank you to DCR for opening up the island for us and this trip (it officially closed on Columbus Day!), as well as Boston EMT Felicia Mohammed for joining us to ensure everyone's safety. We also were treated to a visit from maritime historian David Coffin, who shared a little bit of his knowledge about Spectacle Island.

Before heading out to explore the island, Baywatcher Bruce Berman let the group know that the tide was falling, so it would be best to do any hiking early on, and then explore the beaches later in the day when more treasure would be exposed. Per his advice, a group of us ventured to the summit of the north drumlin, taking in sweeping vistas in rich greens and blues, as well as many a smile from the island's visitors.

Time together on the north drumlin

Groups enjoy the stunning view of Boston Harbor

Admiring the view from the top!

When we headed back down to the foot of the island, instead of hunting for treasure, we were treated to something slightly more outrageous than the beautiful sea glass and artifacts we found last time...

Several hearty explorers had brought wet suits and flippers with them, and went snorkeling, yes SNORKELING, off Treasure Beach. In October. Brrrrr! David Coffin joined them for a brief dip. All referred to the swim as “refreshing” though it was a tad bit chilly for my taste!

(L to R) Laura Fawcett, maritime historian David Coffin and
Barbara Krasinski go for a swim!

Self-described “Friends of the Harbor” and “Beach Creatures,” Laura Fawcett and Barbara Krasinski strapped on their black and neon yellow flippers in the hopes of finding some extra special treasure a little bit farther out than the edge of the exposed shoreline. They found a variety of crabs and even some jellyfish, as well as some pottery shards and sea glass. Earlier in the day, however, Barbara, a North End native, found a blue marble and was entered into our “Simply Marble-ous”contest! Congratulations, Barbara!

City of Boston EMT Felicia Mohammed
chats with Kurt Vonseekamm, Mike Nichol
and Katherine Fawcett, while Laura and
Barbara swim off Treasure Beach

Photographer/videographer extraordinaire Mike Murowchick had the chance to interview Laura and Barbara, as well as David Coffin, Bruce Berman and Linda Grenfell of Dorchester. Keep an eye out for his videos, coming soon!

It was truly a treat to be able to enjoy a day of sun and friends (and even snorkeling!) on Spectacle before Sandy headed north – thanks again to all those who made it possible and those who joined us.

For now, batten down those hatches, and stay safe!

Until next time,

Megan Rawson
Development, Communications and Operations Intern

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