Friday, November 9, 2012

Spectacle Island: A Park For All Seasons

Hello friends, Mike Murowchick here again! As Save the Harbor's photographer and videographer, it was my pleasure to be able to attend our free fall cruise to Spectacle Island on Saturday, October 27.

Once the tide started to recede in the afternoon, visitors took to the beach in search of Spectacle's wonderful assortment of historic artifacts. Among the group of treasure hunters was our very own David Coffin, a maritime historian who works with the Save the Harbor summer programs. He is a frequent visitor to Spectacle and loves to dive right into the water - even in late October when the waters are frigid!

Bruce Berman, Save the Harbor's Director of Communications, and I interviewed David after his dip into the chilly waters off Spectacle. While he loves to uncover rare artifacts on the beach, he takes even greater joy in interacting with kids and trying to see if they can identify artifacts that have been on the island decades before they were even born. Unfortunately, while Spectacle Island is "right in their backyard," many of the kids do not get a chance to visit Harbor Islands as frequently as the should, or even at all, and David believes it would greatly benefit the kids if the islands were more accessible year round.

This is part 2 of a four-part interview series aimed at capturing the many faces and stories of Spectacle Island. Part 1 can be found here

Here is the interview:

More great pictures from today can be found on our photobucket site.

Mike Murowchick
Policy Intern / Photographer / Videographer
Save the Harbor / Save the Bay

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