Friday, February 22, 2013

Last of the Begining

1 hour until I say goodbye or rather I should say see you later to the lovely people I have worked with for my February vacation. However, not for long for this amazing organization will be the beginning of a new family in my life. I want to go far in this organization especially with the great work and awesome programs that happen here. As I do have a great interest in Marine Biology as a future career. Also I love the ocean and the vast wonders and surprises the ocean has in store. Also there is so much to explore and discover about it. I want to aspire to be that person for you never know maybe the cure for cancer could be there in the ocean you never know. I really had at a great time at Save the Harbor Save the Bay and I wish it didn't end so soon.

The most valuable thing I learned while here is that there is so much out there in the world and that there are so many problems out in the world. And everyone goes for the biggest thing that "must" be helped. But oblivious to where they need to start which is at home. I believe this program instills in not only youth that work here but every bring that encounters or works with Save the Harbor Save the Bay. An example of Save the Harbor Save the bay at is here youth and others go to work planting clam seed and getting dirty. Also a specific person who really represents Save the Harbor Save the Bay is a long time friend of mine a girl, by name of Karrisha Gillespie, I attend the Epiphany School with her back in 5th grade. She is an active positive force in the Save the Harbor Save the Bay organization just look for yourself /

I really couldn't ask for a better welcome into this program and  introduction to life and the great values that need to be looked into. I truly am thankful and grateful to the staff here and also Epiphany in getting me this internship here. Trust and believe there will be more blogs and a lot more Zeke around.

< The great magnificent people I got work with!

< My two favorite places in the office.>

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