Monday, May 13, 2013

Outgoing Interns!

Save the Harbor's interns Amanda, Jess and Jackie on the Fish Pier.
         My name is Amanda Gourgue, and I love the beach and my community!
         Like most college students contemplating their future, I found myself staring into a never-ending abyss of internships and applications. My mind was in a state of chaos by the sheer volume of choices in front of me: Where do I begin? Do I do this or that?! Finally caving, I went to my school advisor and she asked me the one question I had overlooked: What do I want to do? Her question touched upon the foundation of internships. They are a chance for students to work in different organizations and gain hands on experience they wouldn’t have otherwise gained in the classroom. It is a great opportunity to find out what is right for you. 
            Being a beach lover and dedicated to the improvement of my community, I was able to find my niche at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay! Interning here has enabled me to identify career strengths and skills that I could build upon and use in future workplaces. Additionally, I’m also able to help my community, see the ins and outs of the non-profit sector, work with an amazingly dedicated team and in the process have fun! A highlight thus far was being able to see the rewards of our hard work at our organization’s yearly corporate fund-raiser, Destination Boston Harbor. We had a chance to honor Boston Harbor Heroes, who help to make our harbor great. We were also able to exceed our fund raising goal, which will help support the work we do which is so important to our community.
            My internship has also brought my in contact with other interns from all over: Jackie, a graduate of Boston University, was able to turn her internship into a job as a water quality analyst. “I liked the fact Save the Harbor combines environmental awareness with community building” Jackie says.
           Another intern, Jess, a graduate of Eckerd College, was attracted to Save the Harbor/Save the Bay after participating in environmental relief near her college in Florida. “Not only does this organization work on public policy to improve marine environment, they also change the life of thousands of youth each year” say Jess, who will be helping out with Save the Harbor's youth environmental education programs this summer. I also enjoyed working with our other interns Andrew and Guillermo, as well as with Matt, Sue, Rajani, Becky and the rest of the staff - including Bruce and Patty, who all really care about the work we do, and want us to succeed in school and in life.
           Besides getting to meet and work with these great people, what interning has taught me is the importance of community. Our beaches and harbors here in Boston are an important source, not only for marine life, in uniting our citizens who are able to enjoy it together.
            If you have an interest in environmental awareness, non-profit organizations and want to get involved, submit your cover letter and resume to
I hope to see you soon on the harbor, the waterfront or on the beach.
All the best,

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