Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Little About Me

     Hi, my name is Chris DiMaggio and this is my first year with Save the Harbor, Save the Bay and I am very excited.  I am currently working at the Children's Museum then going to the McDonough Sailing program in South Boston.  I love the water and want to keep it as clean as possible.  The children keep the team and I on our toes as we continue to catch and show crabs and fish to them.  I am determined to be the first person to catch a fish at the Children's Museum.   Not only for the prize but because I quickly became hooked on fishing.  I love showing children crabs because I teach them about crabs and they teach me too.  The Children's Museum is a great site because there are so many children that walk by and are amazed by the crabs.
Helping the Children

     Work is only part of my day.  I live in South Boston at the house my family has owned since the early 1900s.  My family is very Italian.  We make homemade meatballs and pasta.  My great grandfather is originally from Sicily and did not speak a lick of English when he arrived in Boston.  My father is the third generation of Vincent Robert DiMaggio.  I would have been too if not for my mom.  My mother's family is all Irish.  My mother's family is like fire and my father's family is like ice.  Even though they are different, they get along very well.

Chris DiMaggio

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