Monday, July 29, 2013

Black Seabass and Goldfish

Me, my first seabass
and the Captain of the Belle 
While I am an avid enthusiast of marine conservation and love spending as much time as possible in or around the ocean, the majority of my salty experiences have been through snorkeling and SCUBA diving. So, I was super excited to find out that I would get the chance to try my hand at fishing at the Fan Pier Fishing Derby. On the day of the derby, I, and the rest of the Save the Harbor staff, arrived bright and early with high hopes of catching some big fish. Unfortunately, the weather was not as cooperative and I quickly regretted my decision to wear shorts, instead of pants. But, we were not to be deterred by a little bit (or, at times, a lot) of rain. I boarded the Belle along with fellow staffers and their guests and set out into the Boston Harbor. Our captain steered us towards a few of his favorite fishing spots and we cast out our lines. Soon, people started to feel some tugs and before we knew it, people (including myself!) were reeling in black seabass and skates.

We caught some goldfish!
Despite the weather, there were plenty of smiles to be seen onboard the Belle. My first boat fishing trip was a great time and even though we didn't catch many big fish, I still had a lot of fun. I really enjoyed spending the day with some of the summer staff that I don't usually get to see. A big thanks to Joe Fallon and Fan Pier for hosting the event, and Circle Furniture, Russo Marine and 3A Marine for sponsoring and providing us with this wonderful opportunity and experience!

Until next time,
Sarah C

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