Friday, July 26, 2013

Didn't see that coming!

Trying to catch some fish in the ugly weather.

This week on Thursday, July 25  I was looking forward to so much because my co-workers and I got to take a day off work, have fun, and just go fishing in the nice weather (what I had in mind). I woke up at 5:30 AM on Thursday and had all types of things happen that I was not prepared for. First, I chose the wrong day to wear shorts. I had no idea it was going to be that cold, it literally felt like the beginning of winter. I was freezing! Even though it was ugly, that was not going to stop me from having a blast, especially when I saw the boat I was assigned to! In the boat there was a very nice couch with very soft and fluffy pillows, a huge bed that look good enough to just climb in and have a long nice nap in, a mini T.V, microwave, and a sink. It almost looked like a mini apartment. When I saw the boat it got me more excited then I was already about the fishing trip.

I was excited and nervous in a good way, thrilled, and felt all types of positive vibes (besides the weather) on this fishing trip until the boat stopped. As the boat stopped, there was a lot of wind which caused the boat to move up and down and sideways. I began to feel kind of sick, woozy and dizzy and had to put my head down immediately. That was one of the worst feelings that I have ever experienced. I got sea sick for the first time ever in my life and I was not prepared for it at all. Overall it was fun and good experience fishing.

Sea Sick! Wasn't feeling too good.

Thought we caught something... 

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