Wednesday, July 10, 2013

First day out

And I got them all looking!
Hey guys its Manny, second year returnee :)

First day out in George's Island was by far the best time I have had.  I made new friends, had lots of fun and made lots of smiles.  Being this my second summer with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay I feel like this summer will be more  adventures and awesome than the last. What we did today  before we left for Georges island we were interacting with the kids.  One of the fun things we  did with the kids was drawing and coloring. I can tell they were really excited for the fun to begin. I like to say the group of kids I was interacting with were story tellers. The reason I say this is  because  it seemed like every one of them had strories on top of stories to tell. Which by the way they were all interesting stories. Aside from all of that, the other cool activies we did was going to Georges Island. The lucky ones came to play kick ball , soccer and play with the hollahoops with my colleagues Davis and Hung. All an all today was great day, looking forword to more of it. deuces

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