Tuesday, July 23, 2013

First Time on All Access

On Thursday, we brought four different groups out to George's Island. Many of the campers and camp counselors have never been on the island prior to the trip, so the pressure is always on to make it an even more memorable day for everyone.

My task today was to show the Paige school, located in Roxbury MA, what George's Island was all about. We started off searching for invassive crabs ie: Asian Shore Crabs and Green Crabs along the beach. Most of the kids preferred looking under rocks, where we found a ton of Asian Shore Crabs. While other kids enjoyed searching for crabs in the water.

Page kids searching for crabs.

After catching 15 crabs, we have all agreed to take a break to skip rocks! 

The girls were all proud of our findings.

Nava worked diligently to find the perfect rock to skip!
Later we headed to the dock for some more crab observing and fishing.

Nava, a eager and bubbly young girl, was extremely scared of touching, yet alone holding a crab. However, it was clear that she wanted to do it, and with a little encouragement, in no time, Nava was holding two crabs at the same time.

Brave Nava :)

It was hard getting Nava and her friends to leave the crabs.

Today was definitely one of my favorite days working at Save the Harbor!
Thi and I cleaning up after fishing!

Blog you later!

Karrisha Gillespie

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