Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fishing Tournament with the Dream Team!

Hey guys again to tell you all about my trip on the fishing tournament,
Save the Harbor/Save the Bay
The day was cold, rainy, windy, and cloudy-- so, it wasn't exactly the best day to go fishing along the harbor. I was on a boat along with my sister and mother, Karrisha and Marline, Kiaunna, Mark, and Captain.
The "Dream Team"
          We sailed to and around Nantucket Beach and we caught NOTHING. It turned out the other team had all the bait...coincidence, I think not! Besides not catching anything I had a blast-- I sailed on a yacht for hours, held a fifty pound fish (yuck) ,and best of all I was surrounded by friends and family!
Me holding a Stripe Bass
           At the end of the trip all of the Save the Harbor crew and staff gathered together for a delicious lunch! Although, everyone was cold... nothing could have swept our smiles and laughter away!

Save the Harbor Save the Bay
                                              Peace, Love, and Happiness,
                                                      Anicia Gillespie

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