Monday, July 22, 2013


Frisbee-ous (noun): excessive usage of Frisbees

Today, it was 95 degrees outside!!! You know what that means! Take out your sunscreen, throw on your swimming suites, and head over to Spectacle Island with Save the Harbor Save the Bay!

Kids excited to embark on their Spectacle Island journey :)

6 different camp groups along with the awesome All Access Boston Harbor crew boarded the Providence II and headed to Spectacle Island :)

Spectacle Island is a short 4 mile boat ride from Boston and is home of the tallest hill in the entire Boston Harbor. Most people don't believe this fact, but the entire island was built off of trash!!! There are numerous activities to do on this island such as flying kites, playing football, hiking, boating, fishing, and of course, swimming.

As you may or may not know, Spectacle Island has always been a great place to swim, but this year, we have kicked it up a notch!

Ladies and gents, boys and girls, All Access Boston Harbor has added FRISBEES to our awesome trips out to Spectacle Island...and from here on forward, Spectacle will be...EPIC!!!

Davis Sullivan, Senior Marine Educator, AKA Mr. Frisbee

We have Mr. Frisbee who is always ready to take on any pursuer.

Boys playing with our new Save the Harbor frisbees!
And if Frisbee doesn't appeal to you then please don't feel bummed out. We always have time for some football action!!! 

A group from the East Boston YMCA playing water football.

Spectacle Island offers countless opportunities for everyone to enjoy. 

Chasing after a football :)
Taking in the waves!

Hope to see you :)

-Karrisha Gillespie

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