Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Get Your Fishing Face On!

On Thursday, Save the Harbor Save the Bay hosted our 3rd Annual Fishing Derby! In the past, the derby was reserved for Junior Program Assistants only, but this year we expanded and included the Senior Marine Educators! This told me two things: 1) This derby was brought to a whole new level 2) MORE COMPETITION.

The Save the Harbor Save the Bay 2013 Fishing Derby Crew

These days are always fun, engaging, and enthusiastic. In fact, the Fishing Derby is and always was one of my favorite working days! But, just when things seem perfect, something always comes up! Today it was Mother Nature. The weather was predicted to be windy, cloudy, and have scattered showers! JUST WHAT A FISHERMAN WANTS, right? Nevertheless, the Save the Harbor team did not allow weather hinder our awesome day. Plus, for the second time in all of my years knowing Bruce, I got to see him ditch his cargo shorts and wear pants!

Bruce wearing pants while helping Will's brother release a Flounder!

Dream Team! Left to right: Kiauna, me, Bridget, Mark, and Anicia.

We separated into groups and my team, the Dream Team, consisted of: The one the only, Bridget R., Anicia G., Kiauna P., Mark R., my mommy, Marline Brown, Captain, and myself! With a team like this, I knew were destined to win!

We started our day off with the Dream Team hand shake and understood that a 40 inch bass was needed to be caught!

We baited our fishing rods, and casted off. Minutes passed and no bite. Hours passed and surprisingly still no bite. Our boating proximity was limited due to the weather, so we were restricted to Deer's Island, Castle Island, Spectacle Island, and Hull. 

About halfway into our fishing trip, I asked our captain if he would allow me to steer the boat, and mentioned that it has been a tradition ever since I started working at Save the Habor. I was extremely happy that he allowed me to :)

Me asking the captain if I could steer the boat!
Captain directing me to a green booie.

Within our 3 hours of fishing, we caught, nada! Nevertheless, this day has always been so special to me because I love being out on our harbor. Swimming is awesome but there is something about being on a boat surrounded by water. The feeling is both beautiful and humbling. 
Waiting for a bite!

Although the Dream Team came up short, we still had a wicked awesome time and are winners, because we were able to spend the morning out on the Harbor!

Better luck next year!

Co. Captain Karrisha Gillespie

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