Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Minnows, Shrimp, and Crabs.....OH MY!

Monday mornings are never a favorite of mine but when your day consists of visiting two new harbor sites, Blacks Creek and Camp Harbor View, it is beyond exciting!  Ok, I lied.  These sites aren’t technically new to Save the Harbor, just me.  When the Senior Marine Educators visited the different harbor sites during orientation I was still teaching and had to miss out – but not anymore!   

By 8am I was on the road to Blacks Creek and enjoyed a beautiful morning drive along the Quincy shoreline.  I arrived to the site just as kids were being dropped off and Tom’s group, Will x2, Juelle, and Manny headed up the hill to start the morning with a few “get-to-know-me” games.  

Manny with the kids as they play, "Uncle Sam."

As the kids finished with a few games, they transitioned to the creek where they competed in a scavenger hunt.  Equipped with nets, water shoes, and a love for sea creatures, the kids set out in (and around) the creek to find minnows, shrimp, periwinkles, green crabs, and hermit crabs.  Each sea creature had a points value.  For example, minnows are one point because they are abundant where as green crabs are three points since they aren't found as often.  All creatures caught were brought to a bucket and set on display for the kids.  By the end of both morning sessions I could tell the kids had a blast by the number of parent/guardians pulling their children out of the water as the kids asked, "When can we come back?!"  

Teamwork and minnows!

Except for the sunburn on the back on my knees, Blacks Creek was a success and I cannot wait to go back!  Stay tuned to read about my afternoon at Camp Harbor View!


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