Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer Reunion

Hi Everyone,

Some of the All Access Staff taking a group photo with BASE.

This easily was the best day I have had so far this summer working at Save the Harbor.  When the groups arrived at the Bank of American Pavilion there was one group that I was anxious to see.  This particular group was the Braintree After School Enrichment program (BASE) because I knew that some of the students that I taught this past year were in this program.  When I went to listen to David Coffin's introduction speech about George's Island to all the groups I suddenly hear It's Coach Sullivan!  It's our Gym Teacher!  After hearing that I looked at the BASE group to notice seven to eight of my awesome students from St. Francis in Braintree.

Here Is Damien and the rest of our Ultimate Frisbee team.
Now off to George's Island for another fun filled day of fishing, crabbing, touring of Fort Warren, and of course Frisbees!  Today's adventure lead me to an awesome game of Ultimate Frisbee with the BASE program.  My team was lead by one of my students a second grader named Damien.
This game was a chess match to say the least.  The most important part was how much fun the kids were having.

After a fun game of Ultimate Frisbee, we still had a few minutes before we had to return to the dock. During this time I was able to catch up with some of my students which was my highlight of my day.

Thats all for now!



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