Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Life of an MLK Summer Scholar

Every Friday myself and about nine other Save the Harbor staff members attend a program called MLK Summer Scholars at Boston University's Agganis Arena. We are all paid through the program there. The MLK Summer Scholar program is attended by a plethora of other organizations as well. When I first arrived at Agganis Arena I was astonished by the sheer amount of people there. There were hundreds of teens from all around Boston. We were led down to the actual arena grounds and were sorted into different groups. After breakfast we were able to listen to several inspiring speeches by some influential individuals working in Boston, one of them being the YMCA director.

Save the Harbor MLK Scholars
Afterward we returned to our groups. We were enlightened by our table leaders, who taught us about financial literacy and how we should set goals. The program that day taught us that it is imperative to create realistic goals and strive to achieve them. For example, an unrealistic goal would be striving to become the world's next billionaire. A realistic goal however is one that is achievable using the available resources, such as saving up towards buying a used car. Creating and achieving goals is essential to myself becoming a better worker for Save the Harbor since I can always look to improve.

Vinh Tran

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