Monday, July 15, 2013

The Power of Unity

   Working with these kids so far has been a wonderful experience, for all of us. This week I realized that I am part of something much bigger than just a job. This job gives me the opportunity to meet new children and learn about them as they learn about me. This week I met this sweet, caring, and protective girl named Jeliah. Jeliah has a little brother named Elijah and she is always looking out for him and making sure he's having fun.

Jeliah and Elijah Getting Water Dripped on Them

       This week all the kids showed great teamwork by being there for one another. Whenever someone needed help, there was always a volunteer ready to help. This week the kids showed both mental and physical respect for one another. I was proud of Evelyn, one of the returning kids from the previous week, for showing so much excitement for returning. Eve was helping and teaching all the other kids how to set the crab trap and how to hold the crabs. All of the kids are learning a lot and they are always excited to return and tell they're parents about the fun.

Evelyn Showing Jack How to Hold a Lobster

Exciting second week : Jazeel Mendes

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