Friday, July 19, 2013


Manny here! I just wanted to show you guys this awesome picture of me and the kids of Blacks Creek. To start the day, we ended up deciding to play a lot of fun activities and games to get more familiar with each other.  Some kids got really into it!  First we started off with a name game as an ice breaker.  For this activity, we say our name and our favorite ice cream flavor.  Soon after that game was finished, we all got together and started a game called “Uncle Sam.”  We explained to the kids not that familiar with the game that one individual or more are Uncle Sam.   For every person that asks Uncle Sam if they can cross his dam, Uncle Sam says something like the color of what you're wearing to whatever flavor of ice cream you; then that person has permission to cross over without being tagged.  If you are tagged you will sit or stand but can not move from the spot you were tagged.  While siting/standing you can tag other people, which leaves them in the same position as you once they are tagged. Then the game continues until there is one person left standing.  

 I can honestly say my wish for an awesome and fantastic summer is coming true!


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