Monday, July 1, 2013

Warming Up For Summer

A little yoga warm-up in East Boston
Greetings from Sarah Bailey!

Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's Senior Marine Educators think that there is no better way to celebrate a beautiful, rain free day then visiting some fantastic beaches in East Boston!
After spending some time working in the office the Senior Marine Educators and All Access staffers enjoyed a site visit to East Boston by stretching out and doing some yoga to greet the sun and gear up for summer.

 After meeting the fantastic crew at Piers Park Sailing Center, we headed on down to Constitution Beach! A fun day was had by all as we excitedly talked about what the summer would offer! From meeting new kids and teaching the importance of the conservation of Boston Harbor, it was clear to us that we had quite a summer in front of us. As the training week comes to a close we are all giddy with anticipation for our first day out on the job with the kids! We hope to see you (as well as the sun!) out there with us this summer, learning, exploring, and most importantly, having fun!

See you soon - on a beach, an island or a dock near you!

Sarah Bailey

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