Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Week One and Done

Hi, my name is Myriam Annie Desir, and I am from Save the Harbor, Save the Bay.  Yesterday, Sarah, others staff members, and I went fishing with kids.
lifting the lobster trap with kids
making differences between the green the others crabs. <3

The kids enjoying fishing, talking, asking questions and touching the creatures that we caught earlier; beautiful starfish, different kinds of crabs, different types of fish, and lobsters. We helped the kids by showing them how to fish as well as identifying the different types of fish and crabs that were caught. At some point, we knew that the kids liked fishing and they also liked spending time with us. Anytime you all want to come enjoy fishing with us do not hesitate to come.
crabs race

So far, we caught 25 crabs in the crab trap which the kids called Crabs Reunion, including 1 big crab whom the kids named Mr. Crabs. We proposed a crabs race between the green crabs and the red rock crabs, each kid picked up one crab to enter in the race, and the winner was determined by which ever crab made it from the dock to the ocean first. It was a close one, but the green crabs made it to the water for his freedom.
fishing with the kids

so far, it was a great summer fishing with kids .We hope you stop by and fishing with us.
see you there!

Thank you bye.

  Myriam Annie Desir.

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