Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Day of Firsts

Even though Wednesday was the last day of the summer youth program, it was still a day full of firsts for me. With all the Harbor Explorer programs finished, I got to join the All Access Boston Harbor crew and boarded the Provincetown II (for the first time) and headed out to Peddocks Island (another first!). It was really foggy on the water and it felt like we were traveling through the mist towards the end of the world. Suddenly, out of the clouds appeared a giant wind turbine followed by sightings of land. The fog moving over the island gave it all a very surreal look.
Into the unknown

Upon landing, we had a quick lunch break in the shade and then headed to the grassy field to play some Frisbee golf. I learned that aim is not a strong point of mine. Later, I went with Iris, Juelle and Jennifer to explore the island. We found a great scenic overlook and the yurt campsite. The yurts were adorable and each one was equipped with bunk beds, table and a skylight. A camping trip to Peddocks will definitely be on my to-do list for next summer.

Gettin' their frizz on
After touring the island, I headed down to the shoreline to do some fishing with a few of the families that joined us for our last AABH trip. Unfortunately, we caught mostly rocks and seaweed. But, all our young fishers were in good spirits and had just as much fun flipping rocks to find Asian Shore Crabs. It was a lovely day exploring a new corner of the Boston Harbor with my wonderful coworkers and our AABH participants – all in all, a great way to close out the 2013 summer youth program.

-Sarah C

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