Monday, August 26, 2013

All-Access a second time!

My second time on all access was even better than the first time. Even though I have already been to George's Island, I had a whole new adventure. It started off as a normal all-access day meeting up at Bank of America Pavilion and taking to the young kids going to the harbor islands with us. At 10:30 we make our way to the Provincetown II. The Provincetown II is a huge boat that can fit a ridiculous number of passengers. There are three floors with two concession stands on the bottom two floors. The Provincetown II is a perfect boat for the number of kids we bring out to the harbor islands and we are always extra careful because we would never want to lose anyone on such a positive trip.

fun on the deck 

We finally make it to the island and all the kids spread around the island eating lunch and enjoying the nice weather. The island has great spots to chill by and relax. I usually go to the center of George's Island in the big open field to play sports. This time I made my way to the dark tunnel. The tunnel was extra hilarious. This group of kids were what I would call half way courageous. They all wanted to step foot in the tunnel but always ended up running back out the way they came. Only about 4 kids actually made it all the way through. The kids were all screaming in fear which hurt my ears in such small space. All access is great because we also got to bring our friend Lionel along and take him to the islands which he has not gone to before. Isn't that what all access is all about?

Running scared (Ahmed and Lionel on the right)


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