Sunday, August 18, 2013

Beach Bash

Hey Everyone,

What a day we had on Thursday at the Curly Community Center in South Boston as Save the Harbor/Save the Bay held their annual Beach Bash and Splash. There were more than 700 hundred kids from the surrounding youth programs who came for one big summer celebration. The activities included; : fishing, a touch tank with crabs, lobsters, and other marine life,  sports and frisbees, a big fish drawing for the kids to put their name on, face painting, and of course swimming.

As the Beach Bash started I was in charge of running the sports events for the day.  I also made sure each group left with a bunch of STH/STB frisbees.  When it was close to 10 o'clock, the kids began to arrive in bunches. Group after Group arriving meant it was time for the games to begin.

We started off with a gigantic game of wiffle ball. We had kids playing from all the various groups who attended.  Even the staff members from each group joined in the game.
Here is Andy throwing his best pitch
 As the day progressed so did the number of kids who came to join in on our game.

After playing wiffle ball the kids were ready for kickball.   What a game we had going. The kids were diving after balls, sliding into to bases.   For a minute there I thought I was watching the world series of kickball.  I must say the runs sure did pile up in this game. We were way into double figures.   One team even surpassed 20 runs.

After a great game of kickball, we decided to squeeze in one more quick game of wiffle ball before lunch.  Right before lunch we had all the groups gather in front of the STH/STB banner to hear the one and only Will Clark sing the STH/STB Rap.
Along side David Coffin and Bruce Berman Will Clark sings the STH/STB Rap
Now it was time for the annual group swim which could only be lead by one person who was David Coffin.
 Kids running out of the water after the annual group swim
Then once everyone went for a dip in the water it was time for chaos to in sue.

When I say chaos I mean lunch. Just imagine 100s of hungry kids swarming at you at all at once that is one image that is etched in my memory.  After all the hot dogs were consumed and you could finally see the ocean instead of a line with 100s of kids.

Soon  it was time to begin the cleanup. After making sure the beach was cleaner than when we arrived, the groups began to pack up and our fun-filled event was complete.

Thanks to all the awesome staff we who made this event the best Beach Bash ever!

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