Thursday, August 8, 2013

Camp Harbor View Harbor Tour

Tuesday was my first time meeting the CHV crew and the energy, enthusiasm, and talent that these kids have is infectious. Not knowing what to expect, me, Tom, Will Clark, and Manny boarded the Fredrick Nolan Jr. and headed on over to Camp Harbor View to pick up the campers. The first set of kids boarded the boat and I don't know if I have ever seen more people in one place ever in my life. With three groups of what CHV refers to as "lighthouses" we had approximately 300 kids on our vessel with our mission: to educate the campers on the Boston Harbor Islands. As the boat began to move it was exciting to hear the squeals from the campers that had never been on a boat prior to this experience. Tom and Will Clark narrated the boat tour as we cruised around passing the lush green islands of Boston Harbor. I loved learning more about our unique harbor and the islands that surround us. Living in Boston the majority of my life I only knew of the existence of two harbor islands, little did I know there was a total of 34 islands total most that are even accessible! 
Soaking in the rays and the beautiful views
As the boat continued to tour itself around the harbor we paused right outside the airport and waited until a plane began to land right over our heads. It was a thrilling experience to be right under a 747 as it was landing. As the boat began to head back to Camp Harbor View Tom and Will opened the mic up to songs, rap battles, and shout outs. I could not believe how talented and fearless these kids were to get up on the mic in front of hundreds of their peers and preform.
As the day came to a close we said goodbye to the CHV kids and began the journey back to port at the Aquarium. It was incredible to be able to meet several of the outstanding kids from CHV and see so many faces light up with the joy of a boat ride. And as always- take chances, get messy, ask questions!-Sarah B

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