Tuesday, August 20, 2013

CHV Fishing Trip 2

It's Fishing Time! 

Camp Harborview fishing trip for the second session is now in the history books. It was a great trip out on Boston Harbor and a beautiful day for fishing. The kids were ready to get out on the water as soon as we docked The Belle and they were waiting for us at the top of the gangway. We were prepared for the day with a good amount herring and clams for bait and enough fishing rods for everyone to fish. The camp provided water, chips and blueberries to keep everyone on the hydrated and fed while on the boat. We had everything that we needed to have a great fishing trip on Boston Harbor.

Captain Charlie of The Belle knows Boston Harbor and where all the great spots are for fishing. I could feel it at the start of the day that we were going to catch a good sized fish. Also, I noticed a few kids were ready to do whatever it took to catch a fish. The day started out great because at the first spot that we went to we caught a fish. Tristen, a Camp Harborview camper, caught a fish within the first thirty minutes that we were out there. At first we did not think that striped bass was big enough to keep and that we were going to throw it back. Then, Captain Charlie brought out a ruler to measure the fish to check and we found out that the fish was big enough to keep by 2 inches. I was excited that we caught a fish so soon after leaving the dock. I could tell it got the kids more faith to catch a fish before the day was over.

We ended the trip with a few catches, but only one fish that we could legally keep. We decided to fillet the striped bass and give pieces to the kids that wanted them. Tom filleted the fish and put them in bags for each of the kids to take them home and cook them. The campers were very happy that they were able to say they caught a fish on their boat and could take some home. Being able to fish in the harbor and catch something that you can eat is what Save the Harbor is all about.

- Will Clark

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