Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dance and the Love of Kickball

Hey Readers I'm back,

        This week was a blast for me--I finally went to Staff Day! We explored, had a picnic, and played a VERY competitive game of kick ball. Also MLK was super fun, because our lesson that day was staying fit... by dancing!
From left to right Save the Harbor/Save the Bay staff and Me (Christen,Chris, Andy, Vinh, Me, Will, Karrisha, Kiaunna)

Seeing all my co-workers and me dance was a blast! Seeing everyone let loose and dancing as if there was no tomorrow was hilarious! Will and I even declared a dance off.

Me, Karrisha, and Kiaunna "Getting Loose"

Staff Day was incredible-- I finally met ALL of Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay staff and I had the chance too go on Patty and Bruce's boat, which is also their home. After the lovely home tour, on their boat, it was time for KICKBALL! During our intense game, I managed to get myself hit by a ball about five times, steal bases, and get the other team out! My "Dream Team" was made up of about all the Senior Marine Educators and Kiaunna and me...and we still lost to about ten points! Clearly talent doesn't carry on as one gets older! But spending the day with people who dedicates their summer to saving the harbor and bays along Boston was worthwhile!

"The Dream Team" Posing for 2nd Place

                                   Peace, Love, and Happiness,
                                                     Anicia Gillespie

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