Friday, August 9, 2013

Doing Some Community Service

This week, Wednesday was weird because instead of going straight to Piers Park, I had to go to George's Island to pick up trash with Blue Cross Blue Shield. It was a day where I felt like I was really taking an extra step towards helping the environment become healthier and cleaner. It was weird seeing trash on this Island because on Spectacle Island there was not a single piece of trash to be seen. When we arrived at George's Island, we had a mini meeting to discuss the goals of the day, then we were given some trash bags and rubber gloves. After that we got straight to work. I picked up many cigarette butts, plastic, and surprisingly, lots of Styrofoam. There was more trash on this Island than I had expected.  

Looking for trash.
After gathering all the trash we found, we left it in one pile and went to have lunch. Our boss, Bruce, was generous enough to pay for our lunch. After we had our delicious lunch we took a little trip to the tunnels. I was really excited because I haven't been there since training week, it was good to be back.  

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