Monday, August 12, 2013

Let's Go Red Sox!

Hey Guys!

It's your Save the Harbor/ Bay blogger Anicia here to tell you all about my Red Sox Day-- let's go Boston!
So the day at Fenway was filled with fitness, health, and adventure, and meeting new people!

Save the Harbor/Staff at Fenway (including Me)
Meeting a lot of Boston youth from different teams and schools was awesome! They all were energized and were all there for the same purpose as the Save the Harbor/Bay Staff... to learn ways to be and stay healthy through fitness!
Some members off the John D ' Obryant School 
Some members of the South Boston Little League

Save the Harbor/Bay after the day of fun!
Although all of the workouts were EXHAUSTING I had tons of fun! Plus as a treat we met TWO fellow players on the BOston Red Sox team-- I was so excited at that point! Thanks Fenway!
Our two fellow Red Sox players

                                            Peace, LOve, and Hapiness,
                                                         Anicia Gilllespie

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