Friday, August 9, 2013

L.O.S.T, Kind Of

Monday we went to Spectacle Island for Staff Day. It was really fun because we had the opportunity to play a game of kickball. The game was very competitive and we all had a really good time being on the island. Bruce and Patty came and we saw their boat and they brought food for us. They brought us hot dogs and we had potatoes chips and we were all really happy.

On the way back we, unfortunately, missed our ferry, but we made the most of it. We played a couple games of "Taps" and I won most of the games. Staff Day gave me the opportunity to meet and become closer with some of my coworkers. Before we got on the ferry we thought we were not going to be able to come back because the boat wouldn't have space, but luckily everything worked out and we made it onto the next ferry home. On the ferry back I slept for a little and woke up ready to go home.  

Waiting for the ferry home

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