Monday, August 12, 2013

Make a difference in your Community.

Community Service day.

                     Hey, What sup guys? It's me Myriam and I am back with some news about community service's day.I guess you readers probably missed me.
             Community Service Happened one day ago and we wanted to clean our beautiful Island who is George Island.My team and I were cleaning  Georges Island we kinda doing Community Service with Blue Cross Blue Shield crew. I picked all trashes like paper, cigarette, bottle water and more.. Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay Staff were excited to meet Blue Cross Blue Shield. A lot of blue Cross crew were here to help us they gave us some gloves and trash bags.
Doing Community service with my team.
After pick up all the trash in the hot sun at George Island, we decided to take a break and talked to Blue cross Blue Shield crew about going to the dark tunnel. They handed me a White shirt so when we go to the dark tunnel my white shirt could glow. Lunch time approached and our generous boss pay our lunch "Thank you Bruce and Patty".Now, we walked bravely  to go meet the lady in black at the tunnel of dark.
Let's do this.
   We went inside, my crew were scared they were screaming inside of the holes and they just ran back immediately we wanted to have more fun but time was kicking so another day will perfect for save the harbor/save the bay and blue cross to meet and having a fun time.

Love you guys.
                                         Thank you for supporting me.
See you next time.


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