Thursday, August 22, 2013

Miracle happened at the last day.

      Hi readers!

  Welcome back at save the harbor save the bay blog. Last Friday was our last day at community Boating and it was the last day of Sarah my senior educator marine and I was sad because she had to live. Annie was with us at Community Boating for the last day and try a new recipe for the fish and the recipe works.We have flour mixed with sugar and we add some water then rolled it make it shape like a ball your result will be fish doughnut.

Ready to cook

 Any who, I passed all my time at Community Boating and Courageous without catching any fish. Those fishes are smart they ate my bait but they don't let me catch them. I never catch  a fish at those site never.. Well, Guess what.. a miracle happened at Community Boating I caught a fish at the last day and it was a sun fish.After catching that fish, I see so many of them come near to my line in the surface of the water, I didn't want to hurt them so I keep making fish doughnut and threw it in the water.They all eat and it was the last day we see each other and say good-bye to the fish at Community Boating.

My first fish.

Courageous is one of my favorite site even though I haven't caught  any fish there since the beginning but I have a chance to play with kids talk to them, teach them about the ocean and how to protect it. I also have chance to cut bait because I am good at cutting bait.The kids love fishing and also love pulling up the crab trap to hold the green crabs lobster and starfish.

good times

  Thank you all for having a great summer learning with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay staff we will still be here next summer so you could join us and have fun with us.

  -Keeping on fishing.

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