Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Not Your Average Clinic

Save the harbor kids and friends
This is Saturday brought yet another wonderful
opportunity with Save the Harbor! This time we were able to meet in the confines of beautiful Fenway Park. As a Boston native, it is always a great day when you get the chance to enter one of Americas most beloved parks right in your city. I was also able to share this opportunity with my brother Brian again. I love these events because I am able to bring friends and family with me so they can experience these moments with me. We all met up at 9:00AM in front of the Citgo sign in Kenmore (Well almost all, someone was lost). The weather was just right, not too hot and pretty clear skies which was great. When we were all there we walked over to Fenway Park together and waited by Gate D until they allowed us all to file in. We snapped some pictures outside of the park because it is only right.

Wating outside Fenway Park
Ahmed, Lionel, Brian and I
  We waited patiently outside and they finally let     us  all in. We were seated right behind the    Redsox   dugout with the Amazing Green Monster  in plain  view. Not only did we get to see Fenway  Park for  FREE, we were also given FREE Red  Sox T-  shirts! Who can be mad at free stuff? As  we all  excitedly put our T-shirts on, we listened  to a  couple people speak; a spokeswoman for  Coca-  Cola and spokesmen for the Taylor  Hooton  Foundation. There were words of  wisdom as well as their mission for healthier  youth.

After the short speeches, we were cycled thru workshops where we did some exercises and stretches that the pros would do on a regular basis. There was an obstacle course and an agility ladder. My favorite was the obstacle course which I failed badly, not once but TWICE (Sad face). I still had a lot of fun and would love to do it again. We also got to ask a couple of Red sox players some questions which was really cool. Overall, it was a great day with some great people!

Red Sox Players!
Free shirts!!


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