Friday, August 23, 2013

Second to Last MLK Scholars Workshop!

I always love attending the MLK summer scholars workshops. They are always engaging and interesting, plus also I enjoy meeting and interacting with the different teens and adults. This summer we have danced, discussed finances, and this week we talked about race, and the future of Boston.

Dr. Joseph, a professor of History at Tufts University and author, was today's guess speaker. He started off briefly, yet detailed lecture defining race, talking about some of the various issues our country faced economically and socially. He mentioned that we would not be where we are today if it were not for the abundant organizers, activists, and supporters. Dr. Joseph brilliantly summarized key points highlighting pivotal moments in history and relating them to today's society. He ended off showing a touching footage depicting the struggles and success during the Civil Rights era.

We concluded with a short question and answer. This dialog was important to me because the time is so crucial more now than ever. People, including myself, are so uncomfortable with the topic of race and economics. It is not common to talk about race at my high school. How can we build understanding, and move forward if we are all too scared to communicate?


Karrisha Gillespie

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