Saturday, September 7, 2013

South Boston City Point Neighborhood Association End of Summer BBQ

On Saturday, September 7th Save the Harbor attended the South Boston City Point Neighborhood Association's End of Summer BBQ sponsored by Sullivan's of Castle Island and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay in Marine Park. The SBCPNA held the event to celebrate the successful summer in Southie. No end of Summer Celebration would complete without hamburgers, hot dogs, sunshine, and laughter. It felt like summer wasn't quite over.

South Boston City Point Neighborhood Association's End of Summer BBQ

Vice President of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, Matt Wolfe and I, set-up a touch tank with Larry the Lobster and a smaller lobster friend. Matt showed the families of Southie the anatomy of the lobster, described where Larry lives and what he eats, and even convinced the animal to display his powerful back stroke for the children.
Matt Wolfe, VP of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, holding Larry the Lobster

Many from the neighborhood gathered to eat, learn, and even paint with help from South Boston's Watercolorist Laurete, Dan McCole. I always enjoy events in Southie, because there is a strong sense of community, and the community is welcoming and willing to offer a helping hand. 

To read more about this event, please follow this link from South Boston Online:

Until Next Time,

Iris Ayala

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