Thursday, December 12, 2013

A semester at Save the Harbor- from Fred Looper

Goodbye for now...


My name is Fred Looper, and I was one of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's two Fall 2013 Communications interns. I spent about 12 hours per week in the office, with a few weekend days throughout the semester. My responsibilities included: attending and reporting on events, writing press releases, cataloging and formatting Save the Harbor press, as well as helping with any other design/writing tasks around the office.

I remember applying to the Communications intern position here at STHSTB like it was yesterday- I was excited to break into the beginnings of the environmental career I had been working towards. I heard back from them the very next day, and began working almost immediately after I started my fall semester at Salem State… I felt ready to finally test myself in a real setting, and take away a few lessons to finish off my undergraduate experience.

And tested I was! My experience here was definitely a learning one. I’d like to say that I’ve discovered some very important lessons, both professional and personal, and that Save the Harbor is a place where you can tailor your position here to your own interests. As an undergraduate communications major living in Salem, these needs were unique- though I was certainly pressed to take a thorough experience away from my term here.

I even had the first (and second) boat ride of my life!

Save the Harbor is a happy place. I was recognized for my efforts, and held to just the right responsibilities that I needed to make the most of the three days per week I spent here. Thanks to Bruce, Patty, and the rest of the staff, I’ve gained a great deal of experiences that I don’t think many other internship environments could provide.

It’s hard to leave with so much more I could learn, but I’m excited about what I can do with the knowledge I’ve developed over the past three months. Have a happy holidays, and come next summer I'll see you on the harbor!

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