Earlier this year I was asked to
take part in an investigative study to identify whether or not dog waste could
be responsible for elevated enterococcus
bacteria levels at Pleasure Bay, Savin Hill, Malibu Beach and Tenean
Beach. Last year nineteen beach closures
were attributed to elevated levels of this bacteria. Since there are no sewage discharges into the
Harbor due to the completion of South Boston's CSO project it was concluded
that there were no point sources responsible for this event. This meant that either the test were not
accurate or that the sources of elevated enterococcus
were the result of some event that either took place on the beaches or directly
in the water. Since there were no sewage
discharges into the harbor that left only animal waste as the possible
source. Of the animals that are present
at these beaches only two could generate enough waste to create conditions in
which enterococcus bacteria could
exceed the safety standard 104 cfu ,
birds and dogs.
However, previously
reviewed research comparing the concentrations of enterococcus in bird and dog waste concluded that the concentration
of this bacteria in dog waste was greater by more than twice the
magnitude. Therefore we concluded our
preliminary research and decided to focus our onsite beach investigations
towards dogs and whether or not their caretakers were demonstrating responsible
waste management practices on South Boston beaches.
What we observed on these beaches
in March ranged from neglectful to deplorable.
Most of the beaches were riddled with dog waste and 95% of the dogs
observed were not on leash. At Pleasure
Bay alone our group counted twenty-eight instances of dog waste left on the

While the source of the elevated bacteria levels resulting in beach closures may very well be from dogs, it is the caretakers unconscionable or deliberate lack of responsibility that enables this sequence events to occur. Despite the severe
disrespect for the beaches and the law we never saw any
authoritative personnel enforcing the ordinances.
Dennis Poole
Environmental Policy Intern
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