Friday, July 18, 2014

A Second Coming

The second week of the summer has begun and after a recap of last week I realized I have no real clue on what to expect when it comes to working at Blacks Creek and Camp Harbor View. I never know what I might find during the two hour long beach walks, what fish are at the other end of the rod, how big the crabs will be while the cages are slowly reeled in, or what new cool science facts the children have to share.

Monday brought me a few new surprises. One of the first things that caught my attention is that the sky was a bit grey. The air was humid and sticky and the mud seemed to be as deep as quick sand. As I walked over to the beach I saw that there were really only about five kids, but despite the small amount, we found a lot more sea creatures than we usually do. We also went a bit further around the creek since there were a only a few kids with us. We spotted a bunch of seaweed and decided to start our search for life there. Nets were swinging back and forth through the green foggy water. Hermit crabs hid inside of their shells, crabs ran off, and minnows sped off in all directions. Eventually, one camper yelled, "I found crabs and eels!"All of the kids screamed for joy.

- Chemar David

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