Thursday, July 24, 2014

Always, ALWAYS Bring your Swimsuit

Hello all,
Welcome to Spectacle

Spectacle Island Beach
This week in the All Access Chapter we were reunited with the beloved Spectacle Island. As anyone who could not enjoy air conditioning knows: Tuesday was HOT! And because our week at George's Island was cut short by a storm and then the Fan Pier Fishing Tournament, it was a little disorienting going back to Spectacle. Due to confusion, I forgot my swimsuit and I regret it immensely! Just as a reminder to the general public: when visiting Spectacle Island always bring your swimsuit. This is the end of July and things are just roasting in Boston. Nothing could be more cooling then a dip in the water, especially after a hike to the top of the hill, fishing on the pier or sports in the meadow. I also recommend that you bring flip flops on your trip. Unless you have the strength of Hercules, it's recommended that you get a good night sleep and eat a well-balanced breakfast before coming out to visit us on the islands. We also recommend that you always have water on you. No one wants to be a victim of the sun. Even though we welcome the suns presence, it can be dangerous. When you visit us please bring water, sunscreen and a hat. Nevertheless it's always a blast when you visit the Spectacle Island and the boat ride to it is quite short. Come soak about all the Vitamin D you need. You are welcome to Spectacle Island and any other of the Harbor islands at any time.
Come out and find me,
Ruth Scott

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